Attendance Details:

All attendees are required to attend the full training, including all sessions, activities, and provided meals for the duration of the event. Please review the agenda to confirm what transportation and meals are provided by the foundation and those that your organization is responsible to cover.

*Agenda is subject to change, final information will be sent as the event nears.

01/28/25 7:30 AM 01/28/25 8:00 AM America/Chicago Transportation to Training Center View session: <br/> Meet in the lobby of the hotel&nbsp;at 7:30 AM. We encourage all guests to ride the provided transportation.&nbsp;<br> <br> Breakfast and coffee will be served at the Training Center. If driving separately, arrive by 8:00 AM.<br> <br> Suite 500. Texas Executive Leadership Team Retreat | January 2025 | Dallas-Fort Worth, TX MM/DD/YYYY
7:30 - 8:00 AM
Transportation to Training Center
Meet in the lobby of the hotel at 7:30 AM. We encourage all guests to ride the provided transportation. 

Breakfast and coffee will be served at the Training Center. If driving separately, arrive by 8:00 AM.

Suite 500.
01/28/25 8:00 AM 01/28/25 8:30 AM America/Chicago Breakfast and Coffee View session: <br/> Enjoy and early morning pick-me-up as we gear up for the day by grabbing a coffee and&nbsp;breakfast at the training center. We will have a hearty meal ready so come hungry!&nbsp; Herzog Training Center l 15100 Trinity Blvd Suite #500 Ft. Worth, TX 76155 Texas Executive Leadership Team Retreat | January 2025 | Dallas-Fort Worth, TX MM/DD/YYYY
8:00 - 8:30 AM Herzog Training Center l 15100 Trinity Blvd Suite #500 Ft. Worth, TX 76155
Breakfast and Coffee
Enjoy and early morning pick-me-up as we gear up for the day by grabbing a coffee and breakfast at the training center. We will have a hearty meal ready so come hungry! 
01/28/25 8:30 AM 01/28/25 12:00 PM America/Chicago Morning Sessions View session: <br/> Texas Executive Leadership Team Retreat | January 2025 | Dallas-Fort Worth, TX MM/DD/YYYY
8:30 AM - 12:00 PM
Morning Sessions
01/28/25 12:30 PM 01/28/25 12:45 PM America/Chicago Lunch View session: <br/> Enjoy lunch at the Training Center. Take a brain break, connect with your peers or dive deeper into topics you've learned about during this time! Texas Executive Leadership Team Retreat | January 2025 | Dallas-Fort Worth, TX MM/DD/YYYY
12:30 - 12:45 PM
Enjoy lunch at the Training Center. Take a brain break, connect with your peers or dive deeper into topics you've learned about during this time!
01/28/25 12:45 PM 01/28/25 3:00 PM America/Chicago Afternoon Sessions View session: <br/> Texas Executive Leadership Team Retreat | January 2025 | Dallas-Fort Worth, TX MM/DD/YYYY
12:45 - 3:00 PM
Afternoon Sessions
01/28/25 3:30 PM 01/28/25 5:00 PM America/Chicago Final Session of the Day View session: <br/> Texas Executive Leadership Team Retreat | January 2025 | Dallas-Fort Worth, TX MM/DD/YYYY
3:30 - 5:00 PM
Final Session of the Day
01/28/25 4:45 PM 01/28/25 5:15 PM America/Chicago Closing of the Day | Reflections View session: <br/> Reflect on the day and utilize the transportation provided to head back to the hotel for relaxation. Spend the&nbsp;evening with co-workers or new friends you have made.&nbsp; Return to Texican Court | 501 W Las Colinas Blvd., Irving, TX 75039 Texas Executive Leadership Team Retreat | January 2025 | Dallas-Fort Worth, TX MM/DD/YYYY
4:45 - 5:15 PM Return to Texican Court | 501 W Las Colinas Blvd., Irving, TX 75039
Closing of the Day | Reflections
Reflect on the day and utilize the transportation provided to head back to the hotel for relaxation. Spend the evening with co-workers or new friends you have made. 
01/28/25 5:30 PM 01/28/25 8:00 PM America/Chicago Dinner with your Team View session: <br/> Enjoy dinner on your own&nbsp;and continue to build relationships with those around you. Texas Executive Leadership Team Retreat | January 2025 | Dallas-Fort Worth, TX MM/DD/YYYY
5:30 - 8:00 PM
Dinner with your Team
Enjoy dinner on your own and continue to build relationships with those around you.