Attendance Details:

All guests are required to attend the full training including all sessions, activities, and provided meals for the duration of the event. Please review the agenda to confirm what transportation and meals are provided by the foundation and those that your organization is responsible to cover.

*Agenda is subject to change, final information will be sent as the event nears.

11/17/24 4:00 PM 11/17/24 4:00 PM America/Chicago Arrival Information and Hotel Check-In View session: <br/> More information to come!&nbsp; TBD HF Leadership Development Series | Strategic Organizational Planning | Nashville, TN MM/DD/YYYY
4:00 PM TBD
Arrival Information and Hotel Check-In
More information to come! 
11/17/24 4:30 PM 11/17/24 4:30 PM America/Chicago Transportation to Venue View session: <br/> Transportation will leave from the hotel to the Herzog Training facility at 4:30pm. Please be ready in the lobby for 4:15pm so you do not miss the bus. If you are driving on your own, please arrive no later than 5pm.&nbsp; TBD HF Leadership Development Series | Strategic Organizational Planning | Nashville, TN MM/DD/YYYY
4:30 PM TBD
Transportation to Venue
Transportation will leave from the hotel to the Herzog Training facility at 4:30pm. Please be ready in the lobby for 4:15pm so you do not miss the bus. If you are driving on your own, please arrive no later than 5pm. 
11/17/24 5:00 PM 11/17/24 5:30 PM America/Chicago Registration & Welcome Reception View session: <br/> We will start with registration and a welcome reception followed by our opening session. All guests - please arrive at 5:00pm.&nbsp; Herzog (15100 Trinity Blvd. Suite 500, Fort Worth, TX 76155) HF Leadership Development Series | Strategic Organizational Planning | Nashville, TN MM/DD/YYYY
5:00 - 5:30 PM Herzog (15100 Trinity Blvd. Suite 500, Fort Worth, TX 76155)
Registration & Welcome Reception
We will start with registration and a welcome reception followed by our opening session. All guests - please arrive at 5:00pm. 
11/17/24 5:30 PM 11/17/24 7:00 PM America/Chicago Session 1 | Introduction to Strategic Planning View session: <br/> Session 1 | Introduction to Strategic Planning Herzog (15100 Trinity Blvd. Suite 500, Fort Worth, TX 76155) HF Leadership Development Series | Strategic Organizational Planning | Nashville, TN MM/DD/YYYY
5:30 - 7:00 PM Herzog (15100 Trinity Blvd. Suite 500, Fort Worth, TX 76155)
Session 1 | Introduction to Strategic Planning
Session 1 | Introduction to Strategic Planning
11/17/24 7:15 PM 11/17/24 8:00 PM America/Chicago Dinner Together View session: <br/> Enjoy dinner and continue to build relationships with those around you. HF Leadership Development Series | Strategic Organizational Planning | Nashville, TN MM/DD/YYYY
7:15 - 8:00 PM
Dinner Together
Enjoy dinner and continue to build relationships with those around you.
11/17/24 8:00 PM 11/17/24 8:30 PM America/Chicago Transportation to Hotel View session: <br/> Great job getting through the first night! Get some rest and be ready to dive in tomorrow. Herzog (15100 Trinity Blvd. Suite 500, Fort Worth, TX 76155) HF Leadership Development Series | Strategic Organizational Planning | Nashville, TN MM/DD/YYYY
8:00 - 8:30 PM Herzog (15100 Trinity Blvd. Suite 500, Fort Worth, TX 76155)
Transportation to Hotel
Great job getting through the first night! Get some rest and be ready to dive in tomorrow.