Andover, MN 55304 United States
Every school has an educational philosophy, whether communicated or not. As Christian school leaders, our purpose in education is the formation of the student as a whole person: head, heart, and habits. Spiritual formation practices must be as robust as our academic practices, but we must go beyond adding Bible class and chapel to the schedule. While these are important components to cultivating faith, formation occurs throughout the entire environment of your school, including in conversations with students, teaching approaches, staff serving as role models, and more.
During the Spiritual Formation Training, guests will create a robust spiritual formation philosophy and develop best practices to improve discipleship within their schools. They will also learn how to hire, train, and invest in educators, unleashing their potential to win hearts and minds for Christ.
Who’s It For?
This training is designed for the head of school (or equivalent), board members, Spiritual Life Directors (or equivalent), principals, Academic Deans, and/or lead teachers. Organizations are encouraged to bring at least two attendees and to send an admin. or leadership team member with any teachers.
Day 1: 4:30pm-8pm | Hotel provided | Allow ample travel time to be ready for our 4:30pm start
Day 2: 8am-5:30pm | Hotel provided | Dinner on your own
Day 3: 8am-12pm | Do not plan travel that would require you to depart early