Nashville, TN 37219 United States
In their work Handing Down the Faith, Christian Smith and Amy Adamcyzk explore the contributing factors of how parents pass their religion on to their children. The greatest factor consistently correlating across all religions? A father in the home outwardly practicing his faith for his children. Parents are the first and primary teachers for their children and solely responsible for who they are letting influence their kids’ hearts and minds.
Yet, increasingly, our ability as schools to shape the affections of today’s students is challenged by the continually dominating influences of secular culture and homes with opposing habits and goals. These challenges include the loss of generational wisdom regarding parenting, overly busy schedules, outsourced mindsets, working parents, and the addictive impact of screen-based technology, to name a few.
In this Parenting Engagement Training, you will learn proven best practices to support parents as partners by: gaining a deeper understanding of the cultural moment and correctly identifying the challenges, developing a K-12 plan for new parent onboarding and year-over-year alignment, learning proven ways to consistently engage distracted parents and invite them into community and connection, and identifying specific school policies and practices to form positive habits in the home and school.
Who’s It For?
We strongly encourage at least two members from each organization attend together. Recommended attendees include the head of school (or equivalent), deans/directors, marketing director or admissions personnel, and/or board member(s).
Day 1: 4:30pm-8pm | Hotel provided | Allow ample travel time to be ready for our 4:30pm start
Day 2: 8am-5:30pm | Hotel provided |
Day 3: 8am-12pm | Do not plan travel that would require you to depart early