Fort Worth, TX 76155 United States
What is your school’s mission? What characteristics does your school aspire for your graduates to exhibit? How are these goals lived out in your curriculum, instructional practices, and assessment system? The Mission Driven Learning Training will give your leadership team tools to improve the quality of your school’s instructional alignment.
Staff need a common language and framework for collaboration which stems from your school’s ultimate vision and goals. Using the Schooling by Design framework, we will introduce how you can establish a structured plan for systemic change that results in being a more mission-driven Christian school.
The first goal is to have each school carefully review their mission statement and draft a portrait of graduate/student outcomes for their school. Then, we will explore the current brain and cognitive psychology research that leaders can use to draft a set of principles of learning. These two tasks provide the necessary foundation for cultivating higher quality development of units of instruction.
Who’s It For?
We strongly encourage the Head of School to attend during the first time their team participates in this training. Additional roles suited for this training are the Dean/Principal, curriculum and instruction personnel, and/or lead teacher(s). Each school must send at least two members.
Day 1: 4:30pm-8pm | Hotel provided | Allow ample travel time to be ready for our 4pm start
Day 2: 8am-5:30pm | Hotel provided | Dinner on your own
Day 3: 8am-12pm | Do not plan travel that would require you to depart early