Fort Worth, TX 76155 United States
We live in a broken world. As Christian schools and homeschools, we are in the people business, and that is messy. Our schools must wrestle with potential crises and learn how to mitigate, prevent, and respond to the various threats to our organizations. At this training, school leaders will discuss heavy topics, learn best practices in crisis management, and build a plan for implementation and communication. Leaders will discuss plans for preparation, mitigation, and response on technology and data, student suicide and mental health issues, campus safety and security, PR issues, and more.
Who’s It For?
We strongly encourage at least two people to attend from each organization. We recommend Heads of Schools, security officers or equivalent roles, school board member(s), marketing, and/or communications personnel.
Day 1: 4:30pm-8pm | Hotel provided | Allow ample travel time to be ready for our 4:30pm start
Day 2: 8am-5:30pm | Hotel provided | Dinner on your own
Day 3: 8am-12pm | Do not plan travel that would require you to depart early